Thursday, June 6, 2013

First Weekend - Fun in Belgium

I headed out Friday after work for my first weekend adventure to visit Summer Frantz Dickinson and her husband Mike in Belgium.  I really tried to talk myself out of going, because I was tired, but I have so many places that I want to visit, I can rest later!

I arrived in Mons, Belgium it was so great to see Sumer and Mike.  I took this picture to show everyone that it is 10 p.m. and as you can see, it is still daylight!  With all this day time it is really hard to sleep.  Seems crazy to go to bed at 10 p'clock when it is broad daylight!  

Can you believe that this picture was taken at 10:00 p.m.?

 Three countries in three days, and the fun is just beginning!

If I wasn't sure that I had left Germany all I had to do was look at the road signs, especially the exit signs, French exit sign is SORTIE and German exit sign is AUSFARHT.

To be continued......

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