Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Long Day....

Man oh man - Germany is busy!  I drove up yesterday to Schweinfurt, which is about three hours Northeast from my apartment.  A three hour drive here is different than a three hour drive at home, mostly because there isn't a Super-stop, or McDonald on every corner to get coffee when you are tired!  This is something that makes Germany unique, it is like driving through the country, with beautiful scenery everywhere you look.  You don't have all the "clutter" of billboards and signs everywhere, it is really beautiful. 

My briefing today was the largest one that I have had over here.  It was with the Army, so I had the four hour TAP briefing, then a break for lunch and the two hour DTAP briefing.  So basically, I was talking for six hours, which all of you know that I don't have a problem talking that long!  LOL  
There were 37 in attendance and not a single one from or going to Arkansas!  When I finished the briefing I stayed around to answer a few questions for service members then drove home.  That makes for a really long day!

As far as Arkansas connection, I always ask when I begin my briefing to get an idea of where all the service members will be going they are discharged.  So far, I haven't met anyone from Arkansas.  Although, Ann my co-worker lives in the third floor apartment of a house, the second floor is rented by service member that has been deployed and his wife is visiting family in the states, I  bring this up because his doormat is a Razorback - so I know there are some folks around with Arkansas connection!

I am traveling again tomorrow, I will be going to Spangdahlem, which about two  and a half hours from here, is almost in Belgium.  I will drive up tomorrow and spending the night in base lodging.  The great things about staying in base lodging is they have laundry facilities, so I can wash my clothes free without having to go the the Laundromat!  My briefing is not until 12:30, so I will go in early and take personal interviews prior to the briefing.  Liz, my contact at that office was really glad that I volunteered to come in early for interviews, she has lined up several appointments for me.  After the briefing, which will be the four hour TAP briefing I will be driving back home, so it will be a really long day!

I have a lot of great pictures to post of the BBQ that my German friends invited me to and my weekend trip to Trier.  It is only 8:30 p.m. and still full daylight, but I am ready to head to bed!  I will close now so that I can Skype with the family get to bed.  Tschuss!

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