Sunday, July 28, 2013

Where have I been?

OK, I got the're right I have been to busy to post.  A great deal of traveling and briefings for work, then fitting as much as possible into my outside of work time!  So, let me see what all have I done since I last posted?  Stephen and I went with Jennifer and Morgan on a RTT tour "Paris Premium", it was great.  Morgan was so excited to see the Eiffel Tower.
My little princess in front of the Eiffel Tower.

Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, France
As you can tell from the photos it was cool in Paris, not cold, but cool.  I think that weekend was the last time I have felt cool air.  It has been unusually hot in Germany this summer.  I am certainly used to the hot weather in Arkansas, but I am also used to the air conditioner.  There is very little air conditioning in Germany.  Even on the base there is no air conditioning.  The best solution I have found other than taking a cool shower is get in the car and drive around!  Everyone keeps saying enjoy it will only last a couple of weeks, then we will be wishing for warm weather again.

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