Sunday, July 28, 2013

Wilhelma Zoo, Stuttgart, Germany

Traveling to various military bases in Germany give me a great opportunity to see all the sights in and around the base.  I had a briefing the first week of July in Stuttgart.  Stephen, Jennifer and Morgan all went with me.  We stopped at the Wilhelma Zoo in Stuttgart.  It is a very nice zoo.  If you ever think the admission fee from the Little Rock Zoo is expensive, just listed to this, for three adults and one child it was 49 euros.  In case you didn't realize that is $65.00 in US dollars!   Oh well, it was great.  We got to watch them feed the sea lions.  They also had a feeding and bathing the bears.  There was a fun obstacle course at the zoo that Morgan enjoyed playing on.  I didn't get too many pictures because I dropped my camera and all the pictures were a big blur.  Thank goodness the camera is working now.

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